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Dai Viet

Vietnam started out under Chinese rule, having northern Vietnam conquered by the Han Dynasty in 100 BC. When China weakened during the Tang Dynasty in the early 900's, Vietnam broke free and, in 939, became its own indipendent kingdom, called Dai Viet. Even though they became indipendent from China, they adopted many Chinese cultures such as Buddhism, and having a strong central government. They also had culture traits of their own, namely their women having more rights than those of Chinese women. The dynasty in Dai Viet from 1009 - 1225 AD was the Ly Dynasty. Their capital was in Hanoi on the Red River delta. They, like the Chinese, maintained a strong central government. They also promoted trade and agriculture, as well as improving road and river systems for trade and transportation. Even after they fell to the Mongols, their influence stayed in the area long after the kingdom was gone. (McDougal Littell: Ancient World History)

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