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Goverment setup:After being apart of the nomadic group, Kublia Khan separated from the mongols and created his own empire in 1279. He did this because because he wanted a more stable environment. He used his Mongol skills to conquer land soon established Beijing as his capital. He kept the native people involed in the government giving them lower position jobs but this still made them feel welcomed. His empire  was centrally located and allowed citizens to contribute to the trade in the area.Kublia Khan created building projects that made jobs and encouraged trade. Eventually he  lead the empire into what is now referred to as pax mongolia. This was not enough for Kubla Khan. He made many attempts to conquer southeast asia but failed every time. He attempted conquering Japan twice. He failed both times this caused him to have to raise taxes. Similarly to other groups people started to rebel and the Yulan dynasty fell.



Rise to power: Kublia Khan was an extremely good ruler. He excelled in militaristic functions as well as governing. One of his strong suites was keeping the people of his dynasty happy. He did this by keeping them involved in their government. This made them feel like they had a say in important matters. He also created building projects which made jobs for the people.  These building projects including extending the grand canal and making a large highway system. These made it much easier to engage in trade. Trade was very important in the dynasty. They traded many different luxuries such as silk and gunpowder. These were both very helpful to the military as well because they were able to make advanced weaponry and armor. All of this brought the empire into a time of pax mongolia. At this point though Kublia Khan got a little cocky and wanted to conquer even more land.




Fall: After pax mongolia Kublia Khan was power hungry. He tried to conquer parts of southeast asia multiple times as well as japan. This resulted in a huge loss of military equipment and sadly lives. With people losing family and taxes raising because of the ineffective military, people got angry.This anger surpasses peaceful protest, to people started to rebel. The militaries weakened state made it hard for them to settle rebellions. Because of this the Yulan dynasty fell in 1368.  

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